W E L C O M E   T O   T H E   M I C H I G A N   L E A N   C O N S O R T I U M

From the Chair

Monday, October 03, 2022 10:32 AM | Andi Barajas

Hello Michigan Lean Consortium Practitioners,

I hope this note finds everyone loving our beautiful colors and weather this fall.

To start off I want to welcome our new corporate members from Tube Fab/Roman Engineering located in Afton, Michigan to the team! Also, Last month I am excited to share we were able to fill the last seat on the MLC Board of Directors by appointing Melissa Sherman of Consumers Energy to the board. Many of you may know Melissa through her extensive work with the Annual Conference. Her Lean systems and virtual tools knowledge will benefit the MLC as we move into 2023.

Welcome Melissa!

Thank you again to everyone who showed interest in running for a board seat! The last day of September the board held its Quarterly Strategy meeting where, with the help of two cycles of 90-day Strategic A3’s, we began to develop What the MLC is, Why we are here and Where we want to go. This session was super exciting as we now have our legs under us and can move forward with more stability and confidence. I will share more next month once we solidify our plan.

Lastly, through your feedback we are closing out 2022 with several events. We continue with Coffee Chats and Book Club which have been strong and well attended. I also wanted to remind everyone of the Grand Rapids Summit quickly approaching in Mid-November on the campus of Grand Valley State University and hope everyone registers and plans to attend.

Your feedback is always appreciated and thank you for your patronage and love for the MLC!

For the Love of Lean,

Holly Plaga,

Michigan Lean Consortium Chair

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