You improved your process and created new standard work now what? How do you help solidify the new culture? “Kamishibai”
by Bob Sturza, MLC Board Member
Kamishibai is a tool used as a visual control for performing audits within a process:
- Uncomplicated tool for visual management.
- Can be used on shop floors or office settings.
- Natural extension of gemba walks.
- Focus is on process management and control.
- A simple, visual check card system used to review critical items within any work area.
- Auditors carry out 1 to 3 audits daily.
- Each process will have an audit card detailing the check to be made.
- Audit cards are held in a box below the control board.
- One side of the card is green stating the audit passed.
- The other is red for failed audits and has countermeasures listed.
- The card remains red until the countermeasure is applied and the cause is corrected.
- Can you use this?
- What processes would benefit from this kind of audit?